Loching through Locks and Dams


New Member
Feb 27, 2009
Milan, NY 12571
Some info about Locks and Dams

Locking through can be as easy or as complicated as you can make it, if all rules are follow it will be easy and even enjoyable, as you can see how it all is done. Most locks and dams are controlled by the Army Corps of Engineers. It is a good idea to have a VHF radio so you can communicate with the lockmaster, Lights, and sound signals are also used around locks and dams. The pecking order for lockage established by the corps is as follow:
U.S. militay vessels
mail boats
commercial passenger vessels
commercial tows
commercial fishing boats
pleasure boats

Lights are used to communicate with vessels wishing to lock throught:

Flashing red= stand clear; do not enter
flashing amber= approach under full control
flashing green= single lock ready to enter

Sound signals exchange when vessels are within one mile;

long blast/ short blast = I desire a single lockage
long/short/short = i desire a double lockage
long = enter the landward lock
long/long = enter the riverward lock
short = leave the landward lock
short/short = leave the riverward lock

Locks with moveable dams

Some dams have moveable "wickets" that are raised or lowered to control the height of the dam. With wickets lowered water level is the same on both sides of the dam, in that situation vessels are to pass through the clear channel of a "bear trap" - deeper section somewhere along the dam. Light signals indicate when bear trap is open, in addiction to lights signals also indicate the bear trap is open, those include; *a white circular disk near the bear trap. *a red light over an amber light. *depth of the bear trap in red numbers on a white background.

for a good experience when locking through follow all instructions from lock master and make sure everyone on board knows whats going on.