more double standards


New Member
Nov 20, 2010
Baltimore, Ohio
Limbaugh made a good point today. I listen to him occasionally but I’ve never quoted him or credited him here before so the point I am passing along is not from a faithful follower of anyone. He just made a very good point to ponder.

All this media hype and coverage of the payroll deduction and there seems to be one very curious thing missing in the media coverage. The money required for payroll tax reduction is being funded by Social Security. The media stops there and no questions beyond. Here’s the simple question. Where is the typical outrage from the media that also helps generate the outrage of the public whenever Social Security funds are touched in any other way? Simply ask yourself if George Bush were to propose some rebate or any other type of stimulus demanding money to give back and his plan is to take it from Social Security. How do you suspect the media would be reporting it? Would they be reporting about the Democrat party of NO in the House of Representatives and Senate? Or do you suspect they might try riling up the senior citizens drawing from Social Security by robbing its funds to ram through his tax cut proposal? Not a peep from the mainstream media and interestingly enough not much balking from anyone about using Soc Sec funds. I don’t get it.