First Aid ( bones and joints)


New Member
Feb 27, 2009
Milan, NY 12571
Do you know what to do if you dislocate a joint? about if you brake a bone? Hope it never happens, but if it does, this my help you tackle the problem at hand.


* Simple fractures are those where bone is not exposed.
* Compound fractures are those where the fracture is compounded by by the bone being exposed. This are more serious due to the likeliwood of infection.
* symptons of a fracture include: audible snap, dificulty moving member, pain or tenderness at the fracture location, diference in lenght or shape between members, swelling, discoloration and an obvious crookedness.
* first aid consists of immobilizing the fractured member to prevent further damage before being attended by a doctor. If wait is gonna be long apply a splint.

* Sprains are damaged to tendons, ligaments and blood vessels due to overextention of a joint. Severed sprains shouls be x-rayed to see if a fraction is also involved. First Aid consists of immobilization, elevation and the application of ice packs over several days.
* Strains are damage to muscles due to overexertion. The muscles are streched and may be partially torn. First Aid consists of rest and application of moist heat.
* Dislocation is the separation of a joint. Reduction-restoring the bones to their proper places- should not be attempted except by a doctor or other trained person, due to the risk of further damaging the joint. First Aid until doctor attends is immobilization.