First Aid ( Shock)


New Member
Feb 27, 2009
Milan, NY 12571
SHOCK - traumatic shock as opposed to electrical or insulin shock, is a depression of the body's vital functions as a result of injury. If not treated, it can be vital. There are many causes,loss of blood, loss of body fluids other than blood, chemical poisoning, anaphylaxis (allergic reaction) and respiratory dificulty.


Early signs of traumatic shock include: pale, cool, and possibly clammy skin, dizziness, faint rapid pulse and abnormal breathing.

Late (advance) signs include apathy, mottled skin and, especially, wide dilation of the pupils of the eye.

First Aid

Improve circulation. Blood pressure and flow to the head are most important and are improved by laying the victim flat on the ground and raising the feet. If injury is to the head, do not raise feet.

Aid respiration. If the victim is having dificulty breathing, make sure the airway is clear, then place him on his back and chest and head slightly elevated.

Regulate temperature. make sure the victim is neither too cold nor too hot.

Administer fluids. If and only if: 1) medical assistance will be deleayed for more than an hour. 2) The victim is fully concious and having no respiratory problem. and 3) there is no likelihood of head injury.recommended fluid is room temperature water with one tea spoon of salt per quart, administered at the rate of one half cup (4oz.) every 15 minutes.