Freshly Brewed


BBM's Brewista
May 17, 2009
Charleston WV
Well here it is Wednesday again and there’s nothing like waking up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and the aroma still in the air as you pour you first cup.
For most of the BBM family, it was the first day back from a long weekend.
Were you glad to get back or did it feel like you haven’t been off and can’t wait till Friday to get here?
All I know is I have 37 day till I head to Ukraine, I’m hoping the trout and salmon are hitting, but if not, I know a couple of places that always have cold beer.
As you’re heading out today, let’s keep it between the ditches.
Have a great day and remember, you won't catch every fish you try for, but don't let that discourage you, because the best fisherman who ever lived can't do it either.<O:p</O:p