how to cut (jump, go over) an incoming wave?


New Member
Feb 27, 2009
Milan, NY 12571
I got many books & magazines on boating and fishing, and so far I haven't find any info about how to safely drive your boat at moderate speeds, (to my satisfaction that is) into incoming waves.
So heres my question for those with more experience. How can I safely cross an incoming wave? let's say that I am travelling north at 45 to 50mph (lets say my boat is an 18' or 19 footer and there is a cruiser going south at 25mph making waves behind her of 2-4 feet depending how long you wait to cross into center line of passing boat. Usually after crossing paths with other boat I cut into it's wave at a 30 to 45 degree angle (estimate) and it works most of the time, sometimes, well sometimes for whatever reason I cut it at about 75 to 90 and its no good, my back takes a toll and it can't be good for boat either, what do you guys do to have a nice smooth transition without loosing to much time and without bringing boat to almost idle?