Welcome to BBM!
Myself and the rest of the staff hope you're enjoying yourself while visiting. With that said, as you're looking around - I'm sure there are things that you would like to do but don't know how, don't understand why some feature works (or doesn't) the way it does, or just ain't figured out why somebody else can do it but you can't. Can I get an AMEN?!
There are a number of ways to get your questions or curiosities figured out here. First and foremost is the FAQ section....for those less than completely attuned to the internet, that stands for Frequently Asked Questions.
Almost any question should be able to be answered here. You may have look away and blink once in a while cause there's a lot of info there but odds are you'll find your answer. This is the ideal for those of you that like to figure things out for yourselves and the quickest.
Secondly, there's right here where you're at, Community Features Q & A. Again, if you're not comfortable with the FAQ feature, you can post your question here. Anybody with the necessary know-how whether it's BBM staff or another member can answer up if they have the answer to your question.
This feature allows you to spell out your 'how-to' question and send it on to be addressed. KWatson and the Staff receive email notice on these 'help tickets' and we address them as they come in, when we check our mail. Keep in mind that just like you, we are not in front of our computers 24/7, so once you've sent in a ticket, wait for a response. Sending multiple tickets for the same problem will not result in a faster response. Most of the time, our response will be taken from the FAQ so if you are comfortable with that system, your answer might just be a little faster if you go that direction in the first place. For those not comfortable with their ability to do that, fine and well, we want to get you taken care of. Every once in a strange while, an issue may not be addressed in FAQ and we may need to do some research - Keep in mind that we are typically not code-writers or mega-computer geeks, so give us a chance to find the answer. If it's a truly unique problem, the fix will probably end up being placed in FAQ for future reference.
From time to time, I will put up a bulletin here concerning some of the more commonly used or desired features.
The main thing here is, KWatson and the BBM Staff want to make your time spent here, the best that it can be. Enjoy yourself - find what helps you - please share your knowledge with others that need help.
:icon_welcome: - Kevin Watson
You can ask me directly, by Clicking the "Contact Us" link towards the bottom of the page!
Myself and the rest of the staff hope you're enjoying yourself while visiting. With that said, as you're looking around - I'm sure there are things that you would like to do but don't know how, don't understand why some feature works (or doesn't) the way it does, or just ain't figured out why somebody else can do it but you can't. Can I get an AMEN?!
There are a number of ways to get your questions or curiosities figured out here. First and foremost is the FAQ section....for those less than completely attuned to the internet, that stands for Frequently Asked Questions.
Almost any question should be able to be answered here. You may have look away and blink once in a while cause there's a lot of info there but odds are you'll find your answer. This is the ideal for those of you that like to figure things out for yourselves and the quickest.
Secondly, there's right here where you're at, Community Features Q & A. Again, if you're not comfortable with the FAQ feature, you can post your question here. Anybody with the necessary know-how whether it's BBM staff or another member can answer up if they have the answer to your question.
This feature allows you to spell out your 'how-to' question and send it on to be addressed. KWatson and the Staff receive email notice on these 'help tickets' and we address them as they come in, when we check our mail. Keep in mind that just like you, we are not in front of our computers 24/7, so once you've sent in a ticket, wait for a response. Sending multiple tickets for the same problem will not result in a faster response. Most of the time, our response will be taken from the FAQ so if you are comfortable with that system, your answer might just be a little faster if you go that direction in the first place. For those not comfortable with their ability to do that, fine and well, we want to get you taken care of. Every once in a strange while, an issue may not be addressed in FAQ and we may need to do some research - Keep in mind that we are typically not code-writers or mega-computer geeks, so give us a chance to find the answer. If it's a truly unique problem, the fix will probably end up being placed in FAQ for future reference.
From time to time, I will put up a bulletin here concerning some of the more commonly used or desired features.
The main thing here is, KWatson and the BBM Staff want to make your time spent here, the best that it can be. Enjoy yourself - find what helps you - please share your knowledge with others that need help.
:icon_welcome: - Kevin Watson
You can ask me directly, by Clicking the "Contact Us" link towards the bottom of the page!

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