Mail call;


BBM's Brewista
May 17, 2009
Charleston WV
Oooh how good it is too!!!

My mail order of coffee came in, now it’s time to make some of that mountain mud.

No more of that medium kick sissy stuff, at least for awhile anyway.

I’m ready for a cup of fresh bold and strong.

I know that Big T will be fishing this morning, Kipp is planning a trip to a vintage bike race, don’t remember who the vintage part was referring to, the bikes or him?:D

What’s your Thursday looking like?

Does it seem to you, that no matter when you get to the fishing area that you have to drive a few hours to get to, you are always a couple of days late, or a week early?

Let’s have a good one today.

And by the way, today is the end of September, if you don’t have your entry in for this month’s contest, then get’er done.