Never Ending Story

Jan 12, 2009
Springville, Tn
1989 Ranger 333v - 1995 Evinrude 130 hp
Steve and I arrived at our destination south of Paris Landing in about 35 min,the fog was thick and we actually hunted for hole 178,about two hundred acres of lilly pads.
A few blowups on the frog no takers then we hit our hot spot,the frog disappeared in a frothy frenzy a perfect take to one side,pointing the rod at it taking up slack I set the hook firmly in Henretta,up against the side of the boat a full 180 around it three net attempts failed and like in aball game three your out,she did a sunset flip(overbackwards ) and the frog popped out of the 6 pder.hey if we caught them everytime it would be called catching not fishing.
Not to be daunted or haunted by the loss of a hog,we couragiously went to seek out our foe.
40 yards or so later Gertrude made her appearance by taking Steves horney toad.
Then again looking for a different bite went seeking it out on the main lake,we caught at least 40 bass between 13 and 14 3/4 in,on flukes and wacky worms.
Tune in shortly for the SEQUEL
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