If someone had told me that on a cloudy day, with a 20 to 25 mph wind, that the bass would bite, I'd have called them a liar. But I honest to God had my best fishing day in my life today. Went to a lake one of my maintenance guys has permission to fish. We hit the water about 6:45. We hadn't moved 10 feet from the bank when my partner caught the first one. He was using a white spinnerbait. I was throwing a buzz right off the bat. He caught another one as soon as he released that one. We didn't keep any at all, but by noon, we had caught 125 bass. That's right, 125. Largest one was about 4 lbs. I could have filled 3 extra large coolers with all the fish we pulled in. We honestly quit about 12:30, because we were both getting sore from casting and reeling in. Have no pics, because we were fishing out of a water scamp. Barely had room for our equipment. We had 25 in the boat in the first 15 minutes. I've never experienced anything close to it. Sorry such a long post, but couldn't help myself. Still pumped up, but tired as crap.