The making of a Bass Rod

Aug 29, 2009
This thred will be heavily laden with pics!!! You will need to come back several times to see the conclusion of this rod.
I need to make this rod before Christmas, so if you think I skipped a procedure or two, I did because of taking the time to take a pic and move to the next step. Believe me, I did everything right, just might have skipped a few pics to hurry along--after all, the red wagon with St.Nick will be here VERY quickly.

My customer selected to have a 6'6" med-med hvy casting rod to have his wife use. He will also use it too. He's sneaky--- She will throw some traps and will also throw a few jigs. He knows want he--er she wants and tested the blank before hand. He has a few of these in the boat now...
The rod will be built as a split handle,exposed grip with micro guides.
Ask any questions as this progresses.
Here we go....

Here we have the blank.

This is a selection of cork rings that we have to build the grips. The rear butt will be 1 1/2"-1 3/4" and the grip will be 3 1/2"

Here is the making of a rubberized cap on the butt cork. It's without a hole, so we will be drilling it out.

Here we clamped the two up on a threaded rod

This is the reel seat that was picked out. Fugi exposed reel seat with two finger cuts. He likes these.
Now we will see the size on the inside of the grip. This co-incides with the fit on the blank about where we want to place the grip. He wants 8 1/2" of butt length before the grip. I have to measure the location on the blank, size it up in millimeters and buy that size....

We taped up the seat to prevent dirt, glue, sanding marks,etc

We have here the cork butt going thru it's paces getting sized for the rod. The last pic is my sanding down with 1500 grit-wet sanding. This will make the cork feel silky smooth.

This is the cork peices ready for installment.--almost

We are cleaning up the butt of the blank to fitting and gluing
We sized up the butt and found it to be .500--half an inch. The cork is drilled at .250, so will be drilling and cutting.

That just had a 7/16" drill bit run thru to open it up. Now what I did was run a dremel tool to open it up more to fit---yea, you don't see that operation. Little hard to do it and take a pic..

Here it is fitted onto the blank