This is my life right now :*(

Darth VMAX

Allison Boats Officer
May 3, 2009
From ""-3rd trimester:

"Partners of pregnant women can feel overwhelmed by the wide range of emotions their partner is displaying. They may feel like they're constantly walking on egg shells if their partner is prone to angry outbursts, while others may feel constantly guilty if their partner is prone to frequent crying spells. Dealing with their partner's emotions can be a draining and nerve-wracking experience for them, especially if they feel ambivalent about the pregnancy or relationship. Even the most supportive of partners can feel alienated and frustrated by an overly needy partner with constant demands.

Perhaps the best advice partners of pregnant women can be given is this: be patient. Remember that your partner is experiencing intense physical changes and that these changes may make her cranky, irritable and just plain mean. These changes are not her fault and she does not mean many of the hurtful things she says during this time. Try to listen, and show support. Sometimes the best way to head off an angry or weepy outburst is just to embrace her and tell her that you love her."

The problem is, NOTHING I do or say helps a dang bit! I have never in my life seen someone go from HAPPY to CRAPPY in 2 seconds. Thank the LORD the baby is due this weekend. I am almost at the end of my rope!!!

Y'all please pray that "Jr" is on time.

I need a STIFF Drink!!!