USCGAUX what's new


New Member
Feb 27, 2009
Milan, NY 12571
Bass Pro Shops (BPS) Boat Shows
BPS has invited the auxiliary to conduct RBS seminars at 1300 on both Sundays of their upcoming in-store boat shows. This is an excellent opportunity to promote the Auxiliary Always Boat Safety course, recruit new members, arrange for vessel safety checks, promote Wear It, and America's Waterway Watch. NACO and the BP Outdoor World President have signed the appropriate agreement and notification about locations and dates sent to each DCOS. Seminar content is what the flotilla and store agree to unless specified by the designated DSO. Most BPS stores in the country are participating and flotillas are encouraged to contact them to make arrangements. Immediately contact me at or (870) 247-1177 (after 0900 CST) for assistance if problems are encountered. Promote “Wear It” by wearing a new style life jacket during your seminars.