Chime walkin'...


New Member
Apr 16, 2009
Some folks say there is no such thing as chime walkin' - I beg to differ!

While for sure there is chine walkin', chime walkin' is a direct derivative. While chine walking can be accomplished with only a driver in the boat chime walkin' requires a minimum of one passenger - most notably your significant other.

Let me explain.

You and the significant are out on the water - beautiful day. You, being the man, decide it's a good time to impress so you begin to air it out. It's not long in the process and a little chine walking develops. This time... this time damn the torpedos you're gonna conquer it - besides if you fail... hey you got someone to die with you!

By now you have yourself a double-handful of steering wheel your pucker facter is approaching 8 - while her's has pegged the scale. It is precisely at this point that chime walkin' occurs when she "chimes in" with SLOW THIS[enter explicative here] DOWN!!!! And if you do... Chime walkin' disappears shortly followed by the disappearance of chine walking!

I know I took my ex - before she was my ex - on a tournament. That must'a been ohhhhh in 1998. My guess is [enter explcative here] is still echoing off the trees in that area!