Intalling skimmer transducer thru hull style!


New Member
Feb 20, 2010
St. Catharines Ontario Canada
A few guys asked me to post some pics of my trnasducer install , after messing with the location i found a good spot on my 21 SS Extreme, and it works great!
I started with using plumpers putty to make a dam to hold the epoxy in place!

Sand the bottom of the transducer or scuff it up, sand area to me mounted in as well and clean area with alcohol, have one youself won't hurt either LOL!
Now the poxy i used is the 2 part and with this brand there is no mixing, which is real good because you create no air bubbles, just be sure to push out the epoxy slow or you can get acouple.

If you standing at the back facing the bow i mounted mine just to the left of center, epoxy sets up hard within a hour and your off fishing.

Now i had to remove the bigle pump , the one on the left, just unplug it and remove the cartarigde, move aside the hoses and wiring, but be careful as to not break off any hoses from the pump, ( broke one of mine), screen shot sitting in driveway , showwing good bottom, don,t be alaramed if it doesn,t read right in the driveway (depth), it'll be fine in the water!

Hope this helps anyone and if you have any questions just ask.
Total time to install it was about 30 min and i was out fishing!