Need a good BC Dealer for quotes!!-HELP


New Member
Apr 20, 2010
I would like suggestions for a reputable BC dealer (name/location). I am in Northern CA working at an Air Force base, and there is no BC Dealers in this part of the state (they have all gone under). I checked the two that are down near LA from the BC website, and it didn't seem to me that they are Bass boat dealers-more ocean and leisure boats, but I could be totally wrong-long way to find out. I need someone who knows BC boats and all of the options. Also, everything in CA seems to be more expensive than anywhere else no matter what it is (my experience since we moved here).... I have a Pantera now and I am looking to upgrade to a PIV or a Puma AE or Puma FTD. I do not mind driving out of state as far as Missouri or Arkansas to pick up a boat at a good price (nice vacation-pick up BC and fish the lakes you always heard about). Appreciate any contacts you all can provide. I have cash and I am in the market asap and need quotes. Thanks in advance.