Updating Lowrance HDS5X Units

Nov 18, 2009
Steps for updating software on your Lowrance HDS5 Units:

1. You will need an additional HDS unit with an SD card tray connected via the ethernet port to update the HDS-5x. Be sure to update the HDS with the SD card tray first before updating the HDS-5x.
2. Make sure the SD/MMC card reader is properly connected to your computer (and, if necessary, that the drivers are installed).
3. Insert a blank SD/MMC card that is 512MB or larger into the MMC/SD card reader.
4. Click on the "Install This Update >From the Web" link below to go to the installation web page.
5. Wait for the Java web installer to download and run. Follow the Lowrance update installation instructions. If you are not sure about a step, just select the default choice. When the installer finishes you will prompted to click Finish to exit.
6. Turn both Lowrance HDS units on.
7. Place the MMC/SD card containing the updated operating software in the SD card tray of the second HDS unit connected via ethernet.
8. Press PAGES.
9. Rotate the pages menu to Utilities and select Files. Press ENTER.
10. Select memory card and press ENTER.
11. Highlight the software update file on the card and press ENTER. A message will appear giving you the option to upgrade "this unit" or a "remote" unit.
12. Select remote and press ENTER.
13. On the HDS-5x press and hold the up arrow key, then press and release the POWER key, then keep holding the up arrow key until the update starts.
14. If the message "Charts too big for memory. Refusing to copy charts. Press Enter to continue.", please disregard and press the ENTER key to complete the update.
15. When the update is complete, press the POWER key to restart the HDS-5x. Wait until the unit has restarted before removing the SD card from the HDS unit with the card slot.