common sense tell someone where you going


New Member
Feb 27, 2009
Milan, NY 12571
Going fishing? where? with who? for how long? Don't forget to leave behind a "FLOAT PLAN."

A Float Plan is a simple communication that tells those ashore where you're going and when you expect to return. If you don't came back on time, they know where to start looking for you.

The following are items the float plan should include:
* The skipper's name and home phone # - so your house can be called by rescuers to make sure you didn't go home without telling anyone.
* A description of your boat, including registation number, lenght, and color.
* The itinerary of your trip - where you are going (if offshore include gps coordinates), where you launching, and approximate time you plan on returning.
* Emergency numbers to call in case you don't return on time. Coast guard, sheriff's office, and marine patrol should all be included.

You simply give this information to a friens, relative, cooperative marina operator, and than check in with that person once you're back ashore.

An easy way to handle float plans is to make a template on your computer with the basic information that remains the same each time-your boat description, phone numbers and so on. Leave space to write in the variables such as exactely where you're going and when you expect to return. Print out a sheet and fill it in for each trip.
A day of fun should end with a safe return home.