First Aid (respiratory failure)


New Member
Feb 27, 2009
Milan, NY 12571
The ABCs
The three critical requirements to get oxygen to the brain are the ABCs:

(A)irway-unobstructed mouth and throat.

(B)reathing-air heard or felt flowing in and out of the mouth or nose.

(C)irculation-flow of blood, evidenced by a pulse felt at the carotid artery beside the adam's apple.

To administer CPR to a victim:
1 check the ABCs
2 Clean the mouth of any obstruction.
3 Raise the chin and pinch the nose shut.
4 place your mouth over the victim's and give two breaths.
5 place the heel of one hand 2" above the bottom of the breastbone and the other hand on top of the bottom hand, and depress the chest 1 1/2" to 2" for 1/2 second. repeat 15 times at the rate of 80-100 compressions per minute.
6 repeat steps 4 to 5 until victim resumes breathing. Check the ABCs every two minutes.
7 If two people are available to administer CPR, one gives one breath, the other gives five compressions, etc

(It's important to get certify and keep renewing your certification. In the past few years that have been some changes as far as technics go. CPR certification stays good for 2-3years, however due to constant changes some companies have their employes do it every year)

Heinlich maneuver
to clear an airway obstruction when it cannot be reached through the mouth:
1 Stand behind the victim.
2 hold arms around the victim below the rib cage.
3 make a fist with one hand and grip the fist with your other hand. place the thumb of the fist against the chest hollow just below the ribs and thrust it rapidly and forcefully up against the chest up to four times.
4 If the victim is already unconcious, lay him flat on his back and apply the chest thrusts from the front. Be prepared to remove whatever comes up.
5 If the obstruction is dislodged, start CPC.