First aid (sudden illness part 1)


New Member
Feb 27, 2009
Milan, NY 12571
Heart attack
Symptoms include pain described as pressure on the chest, pain that stretches to neck, shoulders and possibly down one or both arms, shorthness of breath, sweating, nausea and mild indigestion.
Treatment consists of 1st calling for an ambulance, 2nd CPR if necessary 3rd loosening clothing, having victim sit quietly in a comfortable position, and administering three nitroglycerine tablets, if available, under tongue at 10 minutes intervals.

Symptoms of a major stroke include unconsciousness, paralysis or weakness on one side of the body, unequal pupil size, slurred speech, respiratory dificulty and loss of bowel and blader control.
Symptoms of a minor stroke includeheadache, dizziness, confusion, weaknessinanarmorleg, some memory and speech loss and personality change.
Treatment consists of 1st calling for an ambulance, 2nd CPR if necessary, 3rd placing the victim on his side to maintain an open airway.

Symptoms include paleness, sweating, dizziness, coldness of the skin and unconciousness.
Treatment consists of laying victim down and loosening clothing. If victim recovers conciousness quickly, give him fluids. If recovery is not quick, call for an ambulance.