Innocent Prisoners?


Senior Fisheman
Jan 10, 2009
Craig, Colorado
Best Catch
Was watching a news program this morning that was spotlighting people who have been in prison from 2 to 23 years and during their tenure in prison, they were exonarated from the crimes that put them there.

They were discussing how some states can pay them up to 35k a year for up to 15 years that they have been inprisoned. I dont have a problem with this whatsover. Its a terrible thing to be innocent and yet in jail for years.

They discussed how prosecuters have withheld evidence and even to the point of altering evidence. Just to solely find these people guilty.

For god sake, they were interveiwing a 60 some odd year old educated women, who lost everyting because she was wrongly accused of murdern, and spent 7 years in jail, when they found out that evidence was withheld showing her innocence.

This news article was concerned with compensation to these people.

The only thing i could think of during this show was, Why do they not prosecute some of these attorneys who were blantenly wrong during the process of our judicial system, I think these attorneys need to be held accountable, when they know that witness's for the proscution are lying.

What are you thoughts?