Just Curious!

Apr 2, 2011
1998 HydraSports Z270
Haven't been on in a long long time and quite frankly it is good to see this page again!

Was just curious though as to what you folks do during this time of year or any time of year for that matter, if you have no choice or no options but to let the boat just set in the yard. You have no control over the events of life and the boat has to stay still. How often do you folks crank the motor and just run it on the muffs? Is there a way in doing this that the high speed jets will stay open and won't have to get the carbs reworked again. I mean you can only do just so many Rpm's on the muffs! I have a good supply of treatment in the gas but still that is not running the motor.

Anyway, just thinking on the keyboard and was just curious about the frequency of cranking during extended yard stays!

Thanks for any info!
Take Care Y'all
