Lake Fork,Texas Report


BBM Personel Director
May 11, 2009
Subject: Lake Fork, Texas

Date Fished: 8/24/2010
Water Clarity: 2-3 feet
Overall the fishing here on Lake Fork has been pretty good. I have had days from 20 to 30 fish in a full day of fishing. The bass are schooling on shad all over the lake, yesterday Glyn Davis from Dallas fished with me and about 1 o?clock we got in a big school of bass that were running shad to the top, this school of bass stayed on top for at lest an hour it was a blast we put 25 in the boat in that one spot. Every bass we caught in that school came on a 1/2oz lipless Crank Bait color Chrome and blue most of these bass were 2 to 3 lbs and full of shad no big ones but a lot of action.
I have found fish holding on deep cover in 18 to 25 feet of water, the best places have been humps, points, ridges, and roadbeds. Your electronics will be a big key to how successful your day on the water will be, watch for balls of bait and bass stacked up on the screen. I have been throwing very few baits lately and this is the rundown of them, on my Carolina rig I have been using a 5 to 6 foot leader and a 1oz weight,dragging behind it on a 3/0 hook will be a Watermelon seed Centipede or a Watermelon seed Fluke. For the schooling bass the best baits for me have been a 1/2oz lipless Crank Bait, and a 1/4oz Storm Swim Bait Shad pattern.
Good places to try right now are the mouth of Chaney Branch, Chicken Ridge, SRA Point, and there is always bass to be caught this time of year on the 515 East and West Road Beds. The weather has been hot but don't let that keep you off the water because you can get into some awesome schooling action this time of year here on Lake Fork.

Good Fishing, David Vance