Medium kick;


BBM's Brewista
May 17, 2009
Charleston WV
But a strong taste, but this morning I think it should have been the other way around.

With the nights starting to cool down to the low fifties here, it has been excellent sleeping weather, and case in point, I didn’t want to get up this morning.

And I’m the type, once I roll over for a few more winks, I’m shot for the rest of the day, and it just feels like I’m playing catch up all day long.

I even threw down an extra cup this morning thinking that it would snap me out of this dazed and confused state of mind. Looks like its Monster time, and I’m talking a biggin.

So, how are you starting your day?

Have you ever wondered why Sea World has a seafood restaurant?

I’d be thinking all the time I was chewing on a fish burger, was this one of the slow learners.

Have a great BBM day.