Mega Newbie Question on a Johnson 150

Apr 2, 2011
1998 HydraSports Z270
Maybe this is where I should have put my other questions! My bad if the other is in the wrong location.

<HR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff; COLOR: #fff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title -->Bordering upon mega Newbie question so don't laugh to loud!

Some of you will have read about my New to Me rig that is loaded with a 1998 Johnson 150 FastStrike. As I have been going through the process of getting it ready for the water in a few weeks I am well pleased with what is working, batteries, Trim, Trolling Motor, Depth Finder, bildge pump etc!

However in starting to give the motor some attention I came across something as a bit of a surprise to me! When I put the hose fitting on the water intakes on the lower unit and turned on the hose, the water being expelled out of the lower unit was really close to the intake ports. I have always been used to being able to see if the water pump was working by water being expelled higher up on the motor. If the water pump expells water below the water level and it not visible, that is a bit uncomfortable. The water temp guages on the dash are extremely important if this is the case.

A manual for this motor seems to be rare thing!

I have not tried to crank the motor yet as I plan to change the lower unit lube before I do that!

Anyway, thanks for any help with this Newbie question!
