need a little help


New Member
Aug 10, 2010
New York
Here we go guy's, please be patient lol. I just got a 2005 nx882 with a 150 xr6. Motor runs great, everything seems in good shape. When I took it out, I had to tuck the motor under quite abit to get it up on plane, then i worked the trim up a little and soon it started to porpous, had to trim back down. Anyway, someone told me to put a hydrofoil on there? I dont want to do that until I understand what I have here. I have been peeking at your threads and have learned a tremdous amount from you guys already. I quite sure it was set up from the factory the following: Fixed jackplate with 7" setback. Pad is 16 inches from ground and center of shaft is 13 inches. That makes it 3" correct? Maybe it is me and I dont know how to drive this thing yet. My prop is 23p tempest, came from the factory. I am ok and just need to learn or is there something glaringly wrong?