Report 4/17/09


Stinkies Daddy

hit the water bout 9a today, water temp 56, air temp was 65 and wind from the south west @ bout 10-15mph. Started at the JAY dock and caught bout 8, went on down to Ventress and caught bout 5 came back up from Ventress and fished some laydowns but the wind was killing me and i couldn't find any chicken s%*t for my lips, but caught another 5, made the big turn around Bear Isalnd and fished more laydowns, 6 more, rounded out the day in Coose Holler and caught another 8-9. was back at the ramp by 1p and on my way home. I used a varity of diff baits as this was a scouting trip. Baits ranged from blk/chart YUM curly tails, Licorice/chart and gumdrop Bobby Garland's, purple/white/chart Kalens curly tails, and minners. All fish were caught using a 1/16oz jig head and casted on a slow retrieve or under a slip rig @ 3'. Males were caught on the laydowns and the females were caught off suspended brush on docks in 30 fow. I think if we get bout a week in the 70's the females will move up and it will be on.

I will post up pic's on another thread just before i fillet tomorrow. Although i limited out i only brought home six.