rod reel combos you use


New Member
Feb 27, 2009
Milan, NY 12571
why those? what do you like about it that made you purchase them? and how you got to that decision since only way you can test other brands is by buying them and that could get expensive to buy equipment to test and decide what to keep. Also, my opinion on an average price for combos (for starters) would be in the $50 to $100 purchase. I got a extreme combo from BPS and like it, now I'm thinking in buying a couple more combos but BPS last spring had this combos at $69 and now they at $100, anyone knows the equivalent in price and quality from stores like gander mountain and ****'s? thinkimg in spending about $60 to $80 so I can get 3 or four combos for spinerbaits, cranking and flipping. Rods at ****'s and gander don't show how many million modules they have... Also, at this stores I don't pay shipping so it might be a good alternative to the extremes if anything of similar quality.