Think About It:


Senior Fisheman
Dec 8, 2009
Byhalia, Ms.
Polar Craft
1 ) Why do we use Webster's Dictionary for definitions? I mean why does everybody think he was right. If he was so smart, why don't we see anything about him on the History Channel or NatGeo?

2 ) Why is it we believe what the weather man says? How does he know if its partly cloudy, or partly sunny. And just what the hell is the difference. When he says there's a 30% chance of rain, and its already raining. What is the other 70% that is coming down.

3 ) Confucious: who the hell decided that he was a wise man? He just used common sense. Like saying, " Best place to find helping hand, is at the end of your own arm. And crap like that.

4 ) Marco Polo: he was great because he walked over 2 or 3 continents. That just tells me his ass was broke. I seen crackheads that would walk 5 miles to the store, 5 miles back, bring you back a six pack and a candy bar, for 5 bucks.

5 ) Christopher Columbus: I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm proud of the ol boy. But who in their right mind is gonna sail off into the blue, without a GPS. If somebody gave me a sailboat and told to head out and find new land, my first response is I'm sort of partial to the piece I'm already standing on.

Nuff Said: