I started out with a 14 ft Thundercraft in bassboats,next a15 ft skeeter,17,5 ft ,19.5 ranger,20 glassport,22 ft jagaur,20 ft allison,17.5 ft hydrostream,19,5 stratos,16.5 procraft and now a 16.10 in ranger 333v 1985 .So history repeats itself is true, have regressed to towards to begining.Yet still in the saddle so to speak just no longer hitting 90,or even 70 for that matter.When one downsizes one has to keep in mind where one is also running it it takes possibly more driving in a wee boat on Ky lake than say one of 19-20 ft.and a bit upstairs one can run the main if kicking up with somewhat less speed as length enters into that formula as must span the distance between waves, cross waves etc.One cant always stop and fish the main.
Its currently a work in progress but not a lead sled,weight about 1040.130 hp evinrude v4 1995
Its currently a work in progress but not a lead sled,weight about 1040.130 hp evinrude v4 1995